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Anthony Dugois

Associate Professor at Université Marie & Louis Pasteur

I am Associate Professor at Université Marie & Louis Pasteur (formerly Université de Franche-Comté) in Besançon since 2024, as a member of the DISC department in the FEMTO-ST institute.

My research interests include distributed storage systems, optimization in parallel computing, and analysis models for scheduling algorithms.

Feel free to contact me at

What's New

  1. Started as Associate Professor at Université Marie & Louis Pasteur.

  2. Talked at Euro-Par 2024 in Madrid.

  3. Successfully defended my PhD at ENS Lyon.

Recent Talks

Scientific Publications

  1. L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, M. El Sayah, P.-C. Héam (2025). MCMC generation of cost matrices for scheduling performance evaluation. In Future Generation Computer Systems.
  2. L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal (2024). Solving the Restricted Assignment Problem to Schedule Multi-get Requests in Key-Value Stores. In Euro-Par 2024.
  3. S. Ben Mokhtar, L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2024). A scheduling framework for distributed key-value stores and its application to tail latency minimization. In Journal of Scheduling.
  4. L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2023). Hector: A Framework to Design and Evaluate Scheduling Strategies in Persistent Key-Value Stores. In ICPP 2023.
  5. L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal (2022). Bounding the Flow Time in Online Scheduling with Structured Processing Sets. In IPDPS 2022.
  6. S. Ben Mokhtar, L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2021). Taming Tail Latency in Key-Value Stores: a Scheduling Perspective. In Euro-Par 2021.