I am Associate Professor at Université Marie & Louis Pasteur (formerly Université de Franche-Comté) in Besançon since 2024, as a member of the DISC department in the FEMTO-ST institute.
My research interests include distributed storage systems, optimization in parallel computing, and analysis models for scheduling algorithms.
L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, M. El Sayah, P.-C. Héam (2025). MCMC generation of cost matrices for scheduling performance evaluation. In Future Generation Computer Systems.
L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal (2024). Solving the Restricted Assignment Problem to Schedule Multi-get Requests in Key-Value Stores. In Euro-Par 2024.
S. Ben Mokhtar, L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2024). A scheduling framework for distributed key-value stores and its application to tail latency minimization. In Journal of Scheduling.
L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2023). Hector: A Framework to Design and Evaluate Scheduling Strategies in Persistent Key-Value Stores. In ICPP 2023.
S. Ben Mokhtar, L.-C. Canon, A. Dugois, L. Marchal, E. Rivière (2021). Taming Tail Latency in Key-Value Stores: a Scheduling Perspective. In Euro-Par 2021.